Now that i get most of my feelings out by updating my facebook status i havent much to write, but i still need room to record my dreams, which i dont want forgotten, so ill call this more of a dreamjournal of sorts...
I am an author, I am a seeker, and most of all I am an indvidual.
I am an individual who has experienced failure and success and learned from both. My greatest love and passion is writing. I have pursued freelance writing with moderate success. I've successful monetize on a few short stories, and written, edited, and performed rewrites on various topics both fictional and nonfictional. I currently work with Odesk and the Yahoo! Contributors network. My real passion is fantasy.
My goal is create a fantasy world that everyone can enjoy, love, escape to, and perhaps even in participate in. Please send me an email if you have any questions, require the services of a freelance writer, are interested in my work, or would like to submit original content. We cannot currently afford to pay but we would be glad to give you full credit and allow you to write for a larger audience. Thanks
David B. Beaver